IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Cloud Computing
Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
(Intercloud 2015)
Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 9 – 13, 2015
in conjunction with
the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2015)
Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
(Intercloud 2015)
Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 9 – 13, 2015
in conjunction with
the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2015)
Workshop will be held at the conference Venue on Thursday, March 12th, 2015
Session 1 (13:00-14:30)
1. Towards an Ontology-based Intercloud Resource Catalogue
Alexander Willner, David Bernstein, Beniamino Di Martino, Giuseppina Cretella, Antonio Esposito, Deepak Vij, Alloush Alaa, Joe Weinman
2. FIDDLE: Federated Infrastructure Discovery and Description Language
Alexander Willner, Robyn Loughnane and Thomas Magedanz
3. Open Cloud eXchange (OCX): A Pivot for Intercloud Services Federation in Multi-provider Cloud Market Environment
Yuri Demchenko, Sonja Filiposka, Cosmin Dumitru, Taras Matselyukh, Migiel de Vos, Damir Regvart, Tasos Karaliotas, Kurt Baumann, Daniel Arbel, Ralph Koning, Cees de Laat
Break (14:30-14:45)
Session 2 (14:45-16:45)
4. Intercloud Networks Performance Analysis
Garrett McGrath, Patrick Raycroft and Paul Brenner
5. How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation: Towards Interoperable Storage Providers
Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari and Antonio Puliafito
Intercloud Architecture implementation in ongoing projects and developments
Panel members: TBA
Workshop will be held at the conference Venue on Thursday, March 12th, 2015
Session 1 (13:00-14:30)
1. Towards an Ontology-based Intercloud Resource Catalogue
Alexander Willner, David Bernstein, Beniamino Di Martino, Giuseppina Cretella, Antonio Esposito, Deepak Vij, Alloush Alaa, Joe Weinman
2. FIDDLE: Federated Infrastructure Discovery and Description Language
Alexander Willner, Robyn Loughnane and Thomas Magedanz
3. Open Cloud eXchange (OCX): A Pivot for Intercloud Services Federation in Multi-provider Cloud Market Environment
Yuri Demchenko, Sonja Filiposka, Cosmin Dumitru, Taras Matselyukh, Migiel de Vos, Damir Regvart, Tasos Karaliotas, Kurt Baumann, Daniel Arbel, Ralph Koning, Cees de Laat
Break (14:30-14:45)
Session 2 (14:45-16:45)
4. Intercloud Networks Performance Analysis
Garrett McGrath, Patrick Raycroft and Paul Brenner
5. How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation: Towards Interoperable Storage Providers
Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Massimo Villari and Antonio Puliafito
Intercloud Architecture implementation in ongoing projects and developments
Panel members: TBA
Advances in processing, communication and systems/middleware technologies have led us to new paradigms and platforms for computing – in the form of Cloud Computing That in its own turn creates a basis for the Big Data and Data intensive technologies. Cloud Computing from Cloud Service Providers is a burgeoning market with a wide variety to choose from, including some of the most notable names in Internet and IT today. Cloud Computing is the go-to platform now for datacenter architecture, scalable application hosting, new application development, and mobile app platform. While cloud Computing enjoys a certain amount of application – or application architecture – portability, there are not really any interoperability standards or common practices in place. Security, SLA, and other concerns are still active areas of interest. Also, while Cloud Computing is different from Grid Computing, there is some Federation and Interoperability in the Grid community, are these appropriate to the Cloud Computing space. It is widely believed that the whole space of Clouds, Grids, and the Intercloud will federate and eventually converge. Looking even further backwards, there are lessons to be learned from the early Internet work as well as Mobile Telephony. Looking forwards, Cloud Federation Management as well as SDN are both key to making this happen. This workshop aims at providing a forum to bring together researchers for sharing and exchanging Cloud computing related research, technologies, experience, and lessons for building Clouds with Intercloud, Multicloud, Federation, and Interoperability capabilities, standards, services, and management techniques. Topics of interest include:
- Theory, frameworks, methodologies, architecture for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
- Cloud Federation and Interoperability Protocols
- Cloud Federation Management
- Trust, Security, Identity for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
- Virtual Private Cloud, IP-SEC, MPLS techniques for Domain Management
- Grid Federation and Interoperability Protocols, Lessons Learned, As Applied to Clouds
- Experimental Results of Distributed/Multiple Datacenter Cloud Coordination and Interoperability
- Theory or Experimental Results of SDN used for Federations, and Interoperability
- Semantic Web Services Definitions for Clouds Resources and Management
- Using Big Data techniques to solve Federation Constraint based Resource Matching
- Mobile Roaming applications for for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
- Cloud and Grid Federation governance and regulatory issues
- Traffic and load balancing across Federated and Interoperable Clouds
- QoS/SLA in Federated and Interoperable Clouds
- PaaS for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
- Interoperable cloud based infrastructures for Big Data applications
- Management operations, discovery, configuration, provisioning
- Geo-balancing for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
- Compliance, Reference Definitions and Semantics, for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
- Testbeds for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. The full manuscript should be at most 7 pages. All papers should be in PDF.
A paper submitted cannot be under review for any other conference or journal during the entire time it is considered, and it must be substantially different from any previously published work. All submissions are peer-reviewed. The IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services will publish accepted papers. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, technical clarity and presentation. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the workshop. If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop, please contact the organizer.
David Bernstein
Founder/Chief Architect,
IEEE P2302 Intercloud Standards Working Group and Global Testbed Project
Cloud Strategy Partners, LLC
Silicon Valley, California
E-mail: david at
Yuri Demchenko
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904
1098XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email: y.demchenko at
Chunming Rong
University of Stavanger
NO- 4036, Stavanger, Norway
E-mail: chunming.rong at
Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. The full manuscript should be at most 7 pages. All papers should be in PDF.
A paper submitted cannot be under review for any other conference or journal during the entire time it is considered, and it must be substantially different from any previously published work. All submissions are peer-reviewed. The IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services will publish accepted papers. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, technical clarity and presentation. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the workshop. If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop, please contact the organizer.
- Papers due: Sunday December 21, 2014 AOE (Deadline Extended)
- Notification of Acceptance: January 26th, 2015
- Camera ready paper due: February 1st, 2015
David Bernstein
Founder/Chief Architect,
IEEE P2302 Intercloud Standards Working Group and Global Testbed Project
Cloud Strategy Partners, LLC
Silicon Valley, California
E-mail: david at
Yuri Demchenko
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904
1098XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email: y.demchenko at
Chunming Rong
University of Stavanger
NO- 4036, Stavanger, Norway
E-mail: chunming.rong at