These are Published Research Papers Relevant to Intercloud
- A Brokerage-Based Approach for Cloud Service Selection.pdf
- A coordinator for scaling elastic applications across multiple clouds.pdf
- A Federated Multi-Cloud PaaS Infrastructure.pdf
- A Formal Model for the Interoperability of Service Clouds.pdf
- A Mechanism to Measure Quality-of-Service in a Federated Cloud Environment.pdf
- A Monitoring System for Federated Clouds.pdf
- A semantic scheduler architecture for federated hybrid clouds.pdf
- A Trust, Privacy and Security Infrastructure for the Inter-Cloud.pdf
- Adapting Market-Oriented Scheduling Policies for Cloud Computing.pdf
- An Analysis of mOSAIC ontology for Cloud.pdf
- An Intercloud Cloud Computing Economy Technology Governance and Market Blueprints.pdf
- Applying SWRL-F to Intercloud Constraints Analysis.pdf
- Architecture and Key Issues of IMS-based Cloud Computing.pdf
- Blueprint for the Intercloud - Protocols for Cloud Computing to Cloud Computing Interoperability.pdf
- Building Dynamic Computing Infrastructures over Distributed Clouds.pdf
- Cloud Computing Interoperability Approaches - Possibilities and Challenges.pdf
- Cloud to Cloud Interoperability.pdf
- CloudVO - Building a Secure Virtual Organization for Multiple Clouds Collaboration.pdf
- Computer Communication Network Design - Experience with Theory and Practice.pdf
- Considerations on the Interoperability of and between Cloud Computing Standards.pdf
- Data On-boarding in Federated Storage Clouds.pdf
- Dependable Storage in the Intercloud.pdf
- Design of an Accounting and Metric-based Cloud-shifting and Cloud-seeding framework for Federated Clouds and Bare-metal Environments.pdf
- Determining Service Trustworthiness in Intercloud.pdf
- Dynamic Collaborative Cloud Service Platform Opportunities and Challenges.pdf
- Dynamic Scalability of a Consolidation Service.pdf
- FCM - an Architecture for Integrating IaaS Cloud Systems.pdf
- Features, Benefits, Futuristic Projections of Cloud and Intercloud Extensions to the Net.pdf
- Federated Cloud-based Big Data Platform in Telecomunications.pdf
- Framework for Assessing Cloud Trustworthiness.pdf
- Function-oriented protocols for the ARPA Computer Network.pdf
- GENICloud and TransCloud - Towards a Standard Interface for Cloud Federates.pdf
- GICTF_Whitepaper_20100809.pdf
- Identity Management Challenges for Intercloud Applications.pdf
- Infrastructure Outsourcing in Multi-Cloud Environment.pdf
- Inter-Cloud Architectures and Application Brokering - Taxonomy and Survey.pdf
- InterCloud - Utility-Oriented Federation of Cloud Computing Environments for Scaling of Application Services.pdf
- Intercloud Architecture for Interoperability and Integration.pdf
- Intercloud Directory and Exchange Protocol Detail using XMPP and RDF.pdf
- Intercloud Exchanges and Roots Topology and Trust Blueprint.pdf
- Intercloud for Simulation Federations.pdf
- Intercloud Message Exchange Middleware.pdf
- Intercloud Security Considerations.pdf
- Introducing STRATOS - A Cloud Broker Service.pdf
- MODACLOUDS - A Model-Driven Approach for the Design and Execution of Applications on Multiple Clouds.pdf
- Negotiating On-Demand Connectivity between Clouds and Wide Area Networks.pdf
- Network Implications of Cloud Computing.pdf
- Network-aware Cloud Brokerage for telecommunication services.pdf
- Network-Aware Scheduling of MapReduce Framework on Distributed Clusters over High Speed Networks.pdf
- On the Fly Negotiation for Urgent Service Level Agreement on Intercloud Environmentl.pdf
- Ontology-based Grid resource management.pdf
- Optimization of Resource Provisioning Cost in Cloud Computing.pdf
- Optimizing Service Level Agreements for Autonomic Cloud Bursting Schedulers.pdf
- Refundable Service through Cloud Brokerage.pdf
- Resource Discovery and Request-Redirection for Dynamic Load Sharing in Multi-Provider Peering Content Delivery Networks.pdf
- Resource Provisioning Policies to Increase IaaS Provider's Pro?t in a Federated Cloud Environment.pdf
- Secure communication using dynamic VPN provisioning in an Inter-Cloud environment.pdf
- Security and Cloud Computing - InterCloud Identity Management Infrastructure.pdf
- Security in Inter-Cloud Communication.pdf
- Security Prospects through Cloud Computing by Adopting Multiple Clouds.pdf
- Semantic Interoperability in Context to Cloud Computing.pdf
- Semantics-Based Automated Service Discovery.pdf
- Simple Storage Replication Protocol for Intercloud.pdf
- SLA Based Service Brokering In Intercloud.pdf
- Strategies for Operating Systems in Computer Networks.pdf
- The Byzantine Empire in the Intercloud.pdf
- The Case for Enterprise-Ready Virtual Private Clouds.pdf
- The Datacenter as Computer.pdf
- The IETF Should Create An Intercloud RFC.pdf
- The Role of Standards in Cloud Computing Interoperability.pdf
- Time-Critical Event Dissemination in Geographically Distributed Clouds.pdf
- Toward a Dynamic Trust Establishment Approach for Multi-provider Intercloud Environment.pdf
- Towards A Cross Platform Cloud API - Components for Cloud Federation.pdf
- Towards model-driven provisioning, deployment, monitoring, and adaptation of multi-cloud systems.pdf
- Towards Network Virtualization Management for Federated Cloud Systems.pdf
- Using Cloud Standards for Interoperability of Cloud Frameworks.pdf
- Using Open Standards for Interoperability - Issues, Solutions, and Challenges facing Cloud Computing.pdf
- Using Semantic Web Ontology for Intercloud Directories and Exchanges.pdf
- Using XMPP as a transport in Intercloud Protocols.pdf